Interventions / Enjeux stratégiques /

Protection de la vie privée et des données

Protection de la vie privée et des données

Le bon cadre pour l’économie des données au Canada est un cadre qui crée la confiance et encourage l’innovation.

Our Position

Canada’s private sector privacy law – the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) – once a global model for the successful balance between commercial interests and consumer protection, is now being challenged as inadequate to meet the needs of the digital age. 

We support a multilateral approach to privacy policy that continues to achieve a balance between economic interests and the protection of personal information, one that recognizes the importance of the free flow of data as a fundamental requirement to maintain business competitiveness. The adoption of and support for industry certification and codes of conduct are important in addressing how privacy policy might be addressed in different sectors in the digital age.

Comités d'orientation

Un complément important à notre équipe des politiques, de nombreux postes publics importants sur les politiques proviennent de nos comités et groupes de travail